很榮幸這次能協助 澳洲昆士蘭台灣慈暉婦聯會 舉辦為期六週的『台灣女性攝影家作品展』
駐布里斯本台北經濟文化辦事處官方 新聞稿
8 月 23 號 - 評選參展作品
8 月 30 號 - 會場布置
9 月 1 號 - 開幕式
10 月 15 號 - 展覽結束
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很難想像還有機會收到有國旗的獎狀 好害羞 >///< |
攝影家簡介 Biographical Notes
張秀凰 Chang Hsiu-huang
簡扶育 Chien Fu-yu
張詠捷 Chang Yung-chieh
汪曉青 Wang Hsiao-ching
臺灣從 1970 年代以來,隨著政治民主、經濟發展、教育普及,攝影風氣逐漸流行,經常可見背著攝影器材的女性在進行攝影記錄。雖然兩性平權在中華民國已經是主流思想,各行各業都有女性專才;但無可諱言的是,攝影工作的體力負擔較重,女性攝影家站上檯面的並不多見。我們也趁此機會,規劃了這項展覽,將臺灣女性攝影家的作品介紹給外國友人。
Nothing can stop the flow of time - only photography can crystallize the moment and the surrounding environment into a permanent image. Photography can capture scenes that are inexpressible in language; thus the old adage, a picture is worth a thousand words.
With close attention paid during both shooting and arrangement, these series of pictures are used to create photographic narratives, much as a director might compose a film montage. The idea of photography-as-story underpins the exhibition of five series of photographic works by Wang Hsiao-chin, Chien Fu-yu, Chang Hsiu-huang and Chang Yung-chieh, who were selected to represent the artistry of Taiwan's female photographers.
The photos in the exhibition cover the range of portraiture, humanitarian concerns, landscape, aboriginal culture and culture in general; some of the works also tackle gender main streaming. Through the transformative process of these photographer' minds, the moment has been captured to produce a rich variety of images bursting with lively local culture.
Since the 1970s, photography has flourished in concert with Taiwan's economic development, democratization and the universalization of education so that female photographers have become common. Although gender equality is now a mainstream issue in the Republic of China, with women well-represented in all fields and professions, there is no denying that the physical demands of lugging around heavy camera equipment has some effect on limiting the umber of women photographers at the pinnacle of the profession. This exhibition is thus a great opportunity to introduce the work of these Taiwanese women photographers to a wider, international audience.